Topology in the year 2022

In Fall 2022 I am teaching Topology online using Manetti's text. The videos are posted in the following playlist:

  • You Tube Playlist I try to post each Lecture here.

  • Course Plan for Fall 2022

  • I intend to scan pdfs of the notes I read and write in the above lectures. They should be posted here:
    Basic Topology from Before the year 2022

    In the Spring 2016 semester I hope to offer the essential point-set topology as a 2hr course which typically meets on W-F from 3:30-5:00pm.

  • Course Planner can write in homework numbers as course unfolds.

  • In the interest of helping the self-study of future students we'll record our meetings at:

  • You Tube Playlist I try to post each Lecture here soon after it is given

  • Our goal in this course is to study the topics in point-set topology which are woven throughout the fabric of modern mathematics. Ideally this course will help undergraduates better understand topological arguments within their later graduate course work. My plan is to follow Manetti's Topology text. We'll not cover some of the later chapters and I may utilize some other texts if we need additional examples or a different proof etc. Homework will be given from Manetti and other relevant sources. I intend to collect and grade the homework weekly (600pts). Two midterms (200pts) and final exam (200pts) will also be given.

    The background picture is based on a picture I saw at this website
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    Last Modified: 5-13-2024